

Leah Granger

Wealth adviser, OakWood Financial Services

Leah Granger, wealth adviser with OakWood Financial Services, majored in sociology and social justice in college. Combining those interests with her analytical talent has brought her much satisfaction in her career.

Her path began in Boston, working for a national broker-dealer. Eventually, she led the team that developed operational technology tools. This allowed her to build a great deal of industry knowledge, which she’d always hoped to put to use as a future adviser herself.

A profound insight from a friend who had lost a loved one spurred Granger’s decision to return home to friends and family in Rochester, New York, and make the leap to advising.

“My friend said, ‘You can never get time back.’ and that moved me. Now that I’m here, I see that I didn’t know what I was missing,” she said.

Granger expresses her social justice inclinations by specializing in socially responsible investing and volunteering with a nonprofit that resettles refugees who helped the U.S. military in war zones. She also mentors the firm’s support staff.

“I tell them, ‘I know how scary it can be to pivot in your career. But blossom where you’re planted. Do your very best and the rewards will follow,’” she said.

— Deborah